
I deliver workshops in schools and in the local community for children, teenagers, parents and teachers.

Children & Teenagers

Group workshops work especially well as the individual young people realise that they are not alone with their challenges. Working with others of a similar age can be a lot of fun and it is really useful to see that everyone has their own unique view of the World with their own values and beliefs.

My workshops usually consist of a maximum of 8 young people per group.

I can help with the following;

  • Confidence Building
  • Overcome Anxiety
  • Develop Respect
  • Anti-Bullying
  • Increase Concentration
  • Reduce Exam Stress
  • Communicate with Ease
  • Enhance Positive Attitude
  • School/College Transition

I run term-time programmes for pupils in schools and can arrange one-off community workshops too.  Please contact me if you would like to know more. 


Being a parent can be one of the most challenging yet most rewarding jobs in the World! NLP4Parents can help you to build on the great skills you have already acquired. Many parents find it difficult to know where they can find help or support in times of adversity and many feel as though they are not doing a very good job of it – I have been there myself! You might choose not to use all the advice I offer and that is okay- There is no right or wrong way to be a parent however, there are things you can do to improve your relationships with others around you. This is where I can help you.

During my parenting workshops, you will learn some basic NLP techniques which will improve the way you connect with your child. This will help you to build quality relationships and you will find that you will have better success at getting your child to respond to you with minimal fuss. Your new skills will help you to guide your child in overcoming their own challenges.

Common problems that parents experience with their children include;

  • Sibling Rivalry
  • Sulking
  • Arguing
  • Behavioural challenges
  • Coping with Parent separation or divorce

Attending an NLP4Parents workshop will empower you to quickly overcome these problems. You will learn some new, different ways to help your child to be able to deal with their own challenges.

Parent Workshops will usually consist of 8-20 parents.

Here are some examples of my workshop sessions available;

  • Understanding your teenager – Parent workshop
  • Helping your anxious child
  • Parenting hacks for behavioural challenges
  • Supporting your depressed child

If you would like to know more, or if you would like some specific help as a parent or group of parents, please contact me to find out more about my bespoke workshops.


Would you like to learn some new techniques to deal with a common problem in your school? Do you need some fresh ideas on how to teach in a way that every child in the class will understand? How about learning some fun memory skills that you can teach to your children when they prepare to revise for their exams?  Here is an example of how I can help you;

  • Adapting Presentation skills to fit each students preferred learning style
  • Body language to convey certainty
  • Using Language to motivate and de-motivate
  • Giving quality feedback
  • Managing your state of mind
  • How to gain respect from your students

I can arrange bespoke workshops for teachers to help you to support the specific needs for your school. Why not contact me to find out more?