
Therapy for Children and Teenagers

At my NLP Clinic in Ashford, I offer practical solutions to help children and teenagers to overcome their challenges. What I love most about my job is seeing the positive changes in the children who I work with. I feel proud to be giving them the resources they need to build brighter, happier futures.

Book a FREE consultation today 

Anxiety and Depression

Does your child suffer with anxiety or depression? 

Have you noticed your child become more withdrawn or down recently? Are they overly worried about going to school? Is your child getting lots of unexplained stomach aches?

Contact me for help 


Is your child being bullied?

The effects of bullying can be devastating for anyone. In this modern World full of social media bullies are finding easy ways to intimidate their victims 24 hours a day, not just in the playground. 

Contact me for help

Exam Stress

Is your child  stressed about their exams?

Children can become overwhelmed with worry and put themselves under pressure working towards exams. 

Contact me for help


Is your child struggling with a fear or phobia? Do they have to keep the light on at night?

An extreme irrational fear is known as a phobia. This can be debilitating, affecting a persons everyday life. 

Contact me for help

Using effective NLP techniques, especially adapted for children, I can help your child to overcome these and many other emotional challenges. This frees their mind and allows them to build confidence and self-esteem, helping them to learn better and achieve better results in life.

NLP works particularly well with Children as they are more open to suggestion of change than Adults. I make the sessions fun and easy to understand with a tendency to focus on improvement, ‘moving away from’ problems, rather than spending time dwelling on the past.

At your initial consultation at my NLP clinic in Ashford, I will usually see the child and the parents together. After this initial session, I will work alone with your child. This works well as I find children will talk much more easily when their parents are not there to speak for them! You will still be involved in your child’s progress as I will ask you to support them in various ways during their treatment. This may mean I ask you or other family members to behave in new ways to allow them to learn that their change in behaviour will get more positive outcomes.