
My 10 year old son had been having anxiety issues for months. We got to the stage where his fears meant he didn’t want to go out or go to bed on his own. He became scared of the dark. He told me he felt so trapped and just wanted to feel better. We went to see Paula Emmens at the Dovecoat. 3 sessions later and he is like his old self! I cannot believe the change in him, even after the first session. She helped him understand his thought processes and helped him to develop ways of changing them. Thank you so much Paula. You are wonderful!


“Paula really helped when I felt unwanted and unable to go home after staying with friends for a few weeks. I thought that Mum didn’t want me there anymore and we were always arguing and shouting. We had a session with me & Mum together. Paula listened to us both and helped us to understand each other. We agreed on some house rules and stuck them on the fridge. I moved back home that night and we are both working hard to make things better. Thank you so much Paula.”

18 year old DP

NLP4Kids has helped me with anxiety and taught me a few tricks like the finger pinch (anchoring) and more.

10 year old

“My daughter was experiencing an ongoing bullying issue with another child – a former friend and neighbour (which exacerbated the problem as we were family friends).  This had continued for a number of years through from primary school into secondary school.  It consisted of persistent nuisance phone calls, removing of friendship circle, chipping away at my daughter’s confidence.  It then manifested itself into my daughter becoming increasingly withdrawn, complaining of continually feeling sick, not wanting to go to school, tearfulness and a complete change in her character. Talking to Paula helped me understand that the way I felt was quite normal and understandable under the circumstances but it was the anchoring method she used that really helped me control my emotions so that I could cope both physically and mentally with the issue.  It helped divert the negative thoughts that were consuming me to regain some balance. The situation has improved beyond belief.  We took steps within school which has helped tremendously but also practicing the NLP method has had an ongoing positive impact on me and my family. If I am able to control my emotions using this method then this reflects positively on my family life.  I would have no hesitation in recommending this to others.”

Parent GN

“I met Paula when I was at a point in my life where I was kind of stuck, I felt like I was stagnating and did not know where to start or what to do next for this situation to change. Paula took me through various techniques that helped clear my head and understand which areas of my life I could start focusing on. We also worked on a plan of action so that a change would happen. Since then, I have worked on this plan and feel more settled and in control of my life. It obviously takes time but Paula really took the time to listen to me and gave me the confidence that it was just a turning point in my life and that I was not stuck in a corner. This difference of perspective made a huge difference in the way I see life now. Thank you so much Paula.”

Parent ALD

“It took me several years to realise that I needed support of this nature. As a Mummy, you always put the family first and I had lost sight of the need to invest in my own wellbeing; not realising just how much of a struggle everyday family life was becoming as a result of neglecting myself. It seems so obvious now that by reaching a strong and contented mental state, I can genuinely put the family first because I know that I’m ok. 
I felt so comfortable opening up to Paula, despite being convinced that these sessions would feel awkward or too emotional to handle. She put me at ease and we established what I wanted to focus on in our sessions together. She was attentive, trustworthy and professional from the outset and the results were instantly evident. I took a new tool or technique away from each session that I could apply in real life situations and the impact was astounding.
Having NLP coaching from Paula has had a huge effect on me and indeed those that I love and those with whom I come into contact daily. My brain feels more balanced and in sync with my heart and I feel able to approach life’s challenges with logic, confidence, empathy and calm. Of course, there are still times when things are overwhelming and you have to dig a little deeper but my journey is far from over.”

Parent MG

“My son had problems managing his emotions which was effecting his behaviour. This was adding to my anxiety. I chose NLP as I wanted a different approach. It helped me to see that my anxiety was having an effect on his behaviour. Now I am able to stay calmer and deal with the situation differently. I feel much more in control which has reduced the family’s stress.”

Sarah – Parent
