Doing Things, You Don’t Want to Do!

Let’s talk about how you can turn the things that make you feel uncomfortable, into things that are just naturally normal everyday things! In my therapy clinics in Kent, I often hear from young people who have difficulties in transitioning from a world where your parents take a[…]

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Problem Spotting vs Problem Solving: Parents & Professionals

Here’s what I’ve noticed, sometimes children and young people have problems, sometimes there are issues with their behaviour, sometimes there are issues with their emotional well-being, sometimes there are issues with their health, there are a variety of different sorts of problems that children and young people can[…]

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Areas Covered:
Problem Spotting

The Happiness Edge

Shawn Achor (An American happiness researcher, author, and speaker known for his advocacy of positive psychology) reports that only 25% of success in a job is based on your ability to do the job. The other 75% that contributes to success at work is down to your optimism,[…]

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How to Deal with Hate on Social Media (Part 2)

In addition to becoming more resilient so that you can see those comments and let them slide, there is another serious thing for you to consider. And that is simply blocking the people who made the comments. By responding to hateful comments, you are giving that person your[…]

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How to Deal with Hate on Social Media (Part 1)

Information on social media travels fast! Just one click and all your ‘friends’ can see what you have posted. This is great, right?…    Bullying has longtime been a problem in the playground. Nowadays, most young people have access to smart devices which makes it much easier for[…]

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Stop Your Anxiety (Part 2)

Stop Your Anxiety (Part 2) In last month’s article you read steps 1 & 2 of ‘Stop Your Anxiety’. Here is the final step. Read on to discover some really powerful techniques that you can use. With your own imagination you can change the way you ‘see’ anxiety[…]

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Areas Covered:

Stop your Anxiety (Part 1)

Stop Your Anxiety (Part 1) Anxiety can affect absolutely anyone at any time of their lives. I am sure that most people have either experienced anxiety themselves or, been close to someone that has. In my experience, most people think they have no control over their anxiety. Read[…]

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Areas Covered:
Anxious child

How to Take Responsibility for your Emotions

Have you noticed the teenagers in your life do not take responsibility for their emotions? This helpful article, written by Gemma Bailey will help you to understand exactly how they can start to accept responsibility and move forward.   How To Take Responsibility for Your Emotions Through my[…]

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