
One to One Therapy

Using NLP techniques in my one to one therapy sessions gets really quick, effective results. Sometimes, after only a few sessions you will feel better about your problem! During our initial consultation, I will ask you lots of questions so I can fully understand what you are looking to get out of us working together. At the end of this consultation, I will tell you how many sessions I think will be necessary to help you to achieve this. You might decide to have more sessions than we planned as you will see how quickly you start to feel better and may wish to work on other problems too! This is absolutely fine. You know yourself best so I will rely on you to update me at the start of each session on how you are progressing.

I work with Children from the age 5 upwards through to teenagers, parents and even teachers. I am happy to work with other adults too, who aren’t parents or teachers, as I believe everyone can benefit from NLP!

Here are some of the things I can help with:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Exam Stress
  • Phobias
  • Traumatic Events
  • Bullying
  • Anger
  • Sleep problems
  • Addictions
  • Goal Setting
  • Coping with divorce
  • Confidence building
  • and many more…

Please contact me if you would like to find out more.

My one-to-one sessions are held at my NLP Clinic in Ashford;

The Dovecote Centre,
Brookside House,
Canterbury Road,
TN24 8QE