About Paula

“Devoted to helping young people build bright, happy futures for themselves”

Hello, my name is Paula Emmens and I am a licensed NLP4Kids practitioner based in Ashford, Kent. 

I work with children between the ages of 5 and 17 years of age in either workshops in schools and the community or, one-to-one therapy sessions in my NLP clinic in Ashford, helping them to make better sense of their feelings.

As a parent to four wonderful children, ranging from pre-schooler to teenager, I am all too familiar with the many different challenges facing our children today.

Having experienced some challenges with my own children in the past, I had become aware of how difficult it can be to find help in times of adversity. As a parent, I felt quite helpless at times and didn’t know where to turn. I felt compelled to make a positive difference to young people’s lives and I am delighted to be helping to grow happy, confident adults. 

My early career was in corporate business, where I was successful in a variety of co-ordination and management roles. In the latter years, I set up my own consultancy company as I wanted more flexibility with work to be able to spend more time with my family. Without the luxury of a corporate development plan, I started to look for my own opportunities for self, as well as professional development. I had seen first-hand the positive results of NLP as I was growing up. My Dad had been on a course as part of a leadership development programme and despite being so young, the valuable impact it had on him personally, as well as the way he engaged with other people was both evident and hugely significant. I knew that NLP would equip me with invaluable life skills and empower me to support and coach others. In my search for a suitable course, I stumbled across NLP4Kids! I quickly became really excited at the thought of completely changing direction in my career and using the skills I have acquired in business and in my own family experiences, to help other children and teenagers. NLP4Kids was the perfect opportunity for me.

During my NLP Practitioner training, I was amazed at just how powerful it is. We practiced all the techniques to experience them ourselves and we were all surprised at how quickly changes took place. One of my fellow trainees still hardly ever eats chocolate anymore, thanks to the ‘Like to Dislike’ intervention!    

I have since qualified as an NLP4Parents and NLP4Teachers practitioner, having seen the enormous value in helping the whole family and the other main influencers in children’s lives. In the near future, I also plan to train as a licensed Hypnotherapy4Kids practitioner.

I am based in Ashford, Kent and hold one-to-one therapy sessions at The Dovecote Centre in Kennington.

Please call me on 07494214673 or email me at paula@NLP4Kids.org to book a FREE consultation.

 Areas covered

  • Ashford
  • Canterbury
  • Maidstone
  • Tenterden
  • Folkestone